How to Handle Hail Damage and Homeowner’s Insurance

We all know how worrisome and uncomfortable it can be when hailstones keep smashing your roof during a hailstorm. One of the first thoughts that run through your mind is ‘what will I do if my roof suffers hail damage?’ Hailstorms are not new to St. Louis, MO. So, you should always be prepared for it.

Sometimes, hail damage is not visible from the ground, and you may think all is well, even when your roof is already giving way for more serious damage. Whatever your case may be, you’ll save yourself a lot of stress when you have reliable homeowner’s insurance and a reputable roofing contractor at your beck and call. If you don’t want to be running from pillar to post after a hailstorm, here are the things you should know about handling hail damage and homeowner’s insurance:

Your Homeowner’s Insurance

Hail damage accounts for about 70% of insured property losses on homeowner’s insurance. The homeowner’s insurance usually covers hail damage to your roof and other parts of your home. However, insurers may limit their hail coverage or increase its cost, depending on the frequency of hailstorms in your area. The total amount covered for repairs depends on the limits and deductibles applicable to the policy you paid for. So, you should know all the terms applicable to your insurance policy.

Some homeowner’s insurance policies have cosmetics exclusion. This means that if the hail damage is cosmetic (affecting only the aesthetics, not the function of your roof), you will not be covered in the insurance claim. However, cosmetic damage can lead to functional damage that requires a roof repair. So, you should buy your insurance policy from insurance providers that waive cosmetics exclusion or pay for a premium plan that covers cosmetic damage.

Filing an Insurance Claim for Hail Damage

The processes involved in filing your insurance claim start even before the hail damage. You should document your roof’s pre-storm condition by capturing your home’s images and uploading them on your insurance provider’s website. Whenever a hailstorm passes through your area, invite a professional roofing contractor for a roof inspection because roof damage is not always visible from the ground. Afterward, you can file your insurance claim, if necessary.

Get a Free Roof Inspection from the Most Trusted Roofing Company in St. Louis

Hailstorms are inevitable, but you can protect your St. Louis home by having Freedom Restoration & Roofing by your side. Our roofing professionals are always available to walk you through every step as you file your insurance claim. Before we begin a storm damage restoration, our team of top-rated roofers will visit your home and provide you with a free roof inspection. At Freedom Restoration & Roofing, we prioritize your safety and satisfaction. We go the extra mile to restore your roof to the pre-storm condition in no time and at an affordable rate. Call now or fill out our online form to get started with a free inspection!

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